EP//73: Staying Connected, Part 2: Emotions

Friendship is foundational, but it should lead to a deeper connection between husband and wife. In today’s episode, Part 2 of 4, we discuss the ingredients and barriers to emotional connection in marriage.
Discussed in today’s episode:
– Len Foote Hike Inn
– “Seriously Funny Dad Jokes”
Genesis 2:18a, 24-25
Prov. 31:10
– Barriers to emotional connection
– Understanding how we’re wired
– Building safety in marriage
Action step:
Take some time and take turns asking each other the following questions:
– What do you think might make it difficult for us to connect emotionally?
– Have we built in time to connect with each other daily or weekly on an emotional level? If so, when?
– What can I do to make you feel more emotionally connected to me?
– Join The Marriage Adventure Challenge at www.themarriageadventure.com

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