TMA Podcast

EP// 122: Marks of a Successful Marriage, Part 2
Replacing negative feelings toward our spouse with positive ones is possible! In part 2 of 4 episodes, we discuss the role of attunement in successful

EP// 121: Marks of a Successful Marriage, Part 1
Do you know of couples who just make marriage look easy? In part 1 of 4 episodes, we begin a discussion on the marks of

EP//120: The Thankful Marriage
Comparison makes us miserable, while thankfulness leads to joy. In today’s episode, we discuss how to develop a grateful heart this Thanksgiving. Discussed in this

EP//119: The Holiday Conversation
Let’s face it. The holiday season can be stressful! In today’s episode, we discuss what makes the stretch from Thanksgiving to Christmas so difficult and

EP//118: The “Get Back” Coach
Most football teams have a person designated to keep the players and coaches off the field during games. In today’s episode, we discuss the importance

EP//117: Digitally Distracted Marriage
We live in an age of an exponential explosion of technology. Today, we’re discussing how it distracts us from relationships and what we can do

EP//116: Israel & My Marriage
We have been heartbroken watching the images coming out of Israel following the October 7th attack by Hamas. In today’s episode, we discuss what’s happening

EP//115: Front Porch Devotions
Is the Bible still relevant for daily living? In today’s episode, we share how God’s word came alive for our family through a recent miracle.

EP//114: How To Change My Spouse
Where do we start when we see our spouse is not living as their best self and affecting our marriage, children, and the people around

EP// 113: Free To Be Me
In a healthy relationship, both people are free to fully be themselves and express themselves. In today’s podcast, we discuss how to encourage each other

EP//112: It’s Not Fair!
In marriage, it’s common to feel like some things aren’t fair. In today’s episode, we discuss keeping score in marriage and what’s really behind “fair.”

EP// 111: Reviving a Dead Marriage
If God can revive a nation that has been scattered and bring them back into their land after almost two thousand years, can He revive

EP// 110: Internal Vs External Processors
Do you “think to speak” or “speak to think?” On today’s episode, we discuss the difference between the tendency to process internally or externally. In

EP// 109: Rebuilding Trust
Building trust in a relationship takes time, yet it can be lost in a moment. In today’s episode, we discuss the process of rebuilding broken

EP//108: Know Your Enemy
In marital conflict, many times we allow ourselves to believe that our spouse is the enemy. However, if we dig a little deeper, we’ll see

EP//107: The Shame/Blame Game
It’s often difficult to take responsibility when we’re in the middle of marital conflict. In today’s episode, we discuss the tendency to choose shaming ourselves

EP//106: Greg & Julie Gormon Interview
Having discovered their own purpose, they now have a passion to teach and inspire other couples to live purpose-focused, rather than problem-focused. In today’s episode,

EP//105: How I See Me
The world places an emphasis on self-esteem. In today’s episode, we discuss how having a proper view of ourselves through God’s eyes will affect our

EP//104: How I See You
The lens we view our spouse through will affect how we treat them. In today’s episode, we ask, “What if I could see my spouse

EP//103: Avoiding The Drift
When we’re newlyweds, staying connected is easy, but the longer we’re married the more difficult it is to stay connected. In today’s episode, we discuss

EP//102: Empowered to Love
“Til death do us part” is a long time. In today’s episode we discuss how it’s possible to sustain love over a lifetime. In today’s

EP//101: Loving Through Quality Time
Does your spouse need undivided attention to feel like you’re connected? In today’s episode, we wrap up our series on the 5 Love Languages by

EP//100: Episode 100 & A Big Announcement
-It’s our 100th episode! Wow, time flies! On today’s episode, we’ll look back at lessons we’ve learned over the past three years. We also have

EP// 99: Loving Through Touch
Does your spouse want to hold hands in public, sit close, and cuddle on the couch? Their love language is likely physical touch. In today’s

EP//98: Loving Through Gifts
Can a thoughtful gift really express love to your spouse? In today’s episode, we discuss practical ways to speak the “love language” of gifts. Discussed

EP//97: Loving Through Service
If your spouse feels loved when you vacuum the floors, their love language may be Acts of Service. In today’s episode, we discuss practical ways

EP//96: Loving Through Words
Words can build up or cut to the quick. In today’s episode, we discuss how to encourage a spouse whose primary love language is words

EP//95: Loving Like Jesus
Jesus went to extremes to make His love known for us. In today’s episode, we discuss what it could look like if we love each

EP// 94: The Extra Mile
Doing more than is expected, going above and beyond, seems like an odd concept in today’s world. In this episode, we discuss what it means

EP//93: Mitigating the Mundane
theDiscussed in today’s episode: – Prepping taxes. – Living for the weekend…that’s even more busy. – The Marriage Adventure Challenge – We can’t escape responsibilities

EP//92: Pruning
Pruning back plants is a concept that all farmers, gardeners, and vinedressers understand. In this week’s episode, we’ll take this concept and apply it to

EP//91: Seasons, Part 2
What happens when you and your spouse are walking through different seasons? In today’s episode, part 2 of 2, we discuss helping our spouse walk

EP//90: Seasons, Part 1
The changing of seasons can bring both blessings and challenges. In today’s episode, we discuss what it looks like to recognize and navigate marriage when

EP//89: No Record of Wrongs
In marriage, we will inevitably disappoint or wound each other. In today’s episode, we discuss how to handle offenses and move forward in forgiveness. In

EP//88: Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s Day is typically marked by cards, flowers, candy, and date night. In today’s episode, we discuss other ways you and your spouse may prefer

EP//87: Triangles
Why do we get along great until we add one more thing? In today’s episode, we discuss the “goods” and “bads” of emotional triangulation. In

EP//86: Be the Hunter
What does winning a College Football National Championship have to do with winning in marriage? In today’s episode, we discuss going on the offensive when

EP//85: A New Adventure
Do you need hope in this new year? Join us in this episode as we share the big God story behind the journey we’ve been

EP//84: Are You Pleasant?
Have you ever noticed how some people seem naturally easier to get along with than others? In today’s episode, we discuss what a “pleasing” personality

EP//83: The Invitation, Interview with Bethann Miller & Amy Velarde
Ever wish you had a clear-cut pathway to address some of the issues that cause you to feel disconnected from your spouse? There’s a book

EP//82: Are You Organized?
Are you meticulous while your spouse is a little messy? In today’s episode, we discuss managing personality differences in your relationship when your organizational skills

EP//81: Are You Social?
One likes to go out, while the other prefers time at home. In today’s episode, we discuss how preferences for social interaction affect relationships. Discussed

EP//80: Marriage 101- The Meaning of Marriage
Is there a deeper meaning of marriage than you think? In today’s episode, we discuss principles from Ephesians 5 and why they matter in our

EP//79: Letting Them Launch
We love, protect, provide for, and nurture them for 18-plus years, only to give them away to someone else. In today’s episode, we discuss the

EP//78: Marriage 101, Leave & Cleave
Getting married is exciting, but the process of leaving our family to become one with a stranger is not as easy as it may seem.

EP//77: The Road to Recovery, Interview with Josh & Kristy Webb
Loving your spouse in health isn’t always easy. But, what if you had to walk with your spouse through a prolonged illness or a devastating

EP//76: In Sickness and In Health
Marriage vows are a blind covenant two people make to weather the highs and lows of the rest of their lives together. In today’s episode,

EP//75: Staying Connected, Part 4: Love
Can I really trust my heart when it comes to love? Today, we wrap up a 4 part series as we talk about the source

EP//74: Staying Connected, Part 3: Physical
A healthy friendship and emotional intimacy create a foundational bond for an even deeper connection in marriage- sex! In today’s episode, part 3 of 4,

EP//73: Staying Connected, Part 2: Emotions
Friendship is foundational, but it should lead to a deeper connection between husband and wife. In today’s episode, Part 2 of 4, we discuss the

EP//72: Staying Connected, Part 1: Friendship
Research has shown that couples who have a great friendship experience a higher percentage overall of marital satisfaction. In today’s episode, Part 1 of 4,

EP//71: What Did You Expect?
Most of us get married with desires for what “happily ever after” will look like. In today’s episode, we discuss what happens when our desires

EP//70: Protecting Your Marriage, Part 2
Good fences are designed to keep predators out and keep the things you love safe. In today’s part 2 of 2 episodes, we discuss things

EP//69: Protecting Your Marriage, Part 1
Marriage is tough! It may surprise you to know one of the reasons why. In today’s part 1 of 2 episodes, we discuss things NOT

EP//68: Good vs Great
The new year is a great time to evaluate our personal financial, fitness, work, spiritual, and recreational goals. But do we take the time to

EP//67: Famous Last Words
If the last words you spoke to your spouse, children, or someone else in your life today were the last they ever heard from you,

EP//66: Two Are Better Than One
There will inevitably be seasons of marriage that one spouse will need to lean on the other more than usual. In today’s episode, we talk

EP//65: COVID, Kidney Stones, Concussions, and the Keys
Covid, Kidney Stone, Concussions, the Keys. Welcome to our last two months! When life presses in, and you need to get away to reconnect with

EP//64: Marital Rat Poison
College football legend, Coach Nick Saban, has said that for players to believe all the good things the press writes about them is like taking

EP//63: Navigating Change
Change is HARD…for some people, for other people, they embrace it! What happens when one spouse loves change, and the other spouse hates change? In

EP//62: The Ideal Team Player, Part 2
How can being “Humble, Hungry, and Smart” lead to a better relationship? In part two of two episodes, we discuss how having a hunger to

EP//61: The Ideal Team Player, Part 1
To be an ideal team player that an organization will value, Patrick Lencioni says you need to possess three virtues outlined in his book, Ideal

EP//60: Interview with Kevin & Marcia Myers: The Second Happy
Can an unhappy marriage really get back to being happy? Can it be truly and authentically happy–even better than it was at first? In today’s

EP//59: Before You Split, Interview with Toni Nieuwhof
What would it take to leave your unhappiness behind instead of your spouse? In today’s episode, author, speaker, and podcast co-host, Toni Nieuwhof shares insights

EP//58: Kids Come 2nd
Children are a blessing from the Lord and should undoubtedly be a priority. But should we put them above our spouse? In today’s episode, we

EP// 57: 20/20 Money, Interview with Joseph Sangl
One of the most contentious topics of marital conflict is in the area of money management. In today’s episode, we invite you to join us

EP// 56: Relationship Romance
Roses and chocolates, moonlit strolls on the beach, slow dancing, and long kisses goodnight. All of these phrases scream “romance!” But we all know it

EP// 55: Wind Beneath My Wings, Interview with Ira & Kim Blumenthal
As a brand consultant and leadership guru, Ira Blumenthal has published over 200 magazine articles, authored 3 books, and hosted a radio show. The list

EP// 54: Amazing Grace, Part 2
God desires for our marriage to be a safe place to grow, learn, and to be more like Him. In today’s episode, we discuss the

EP// 53: Amazing Grace, Part 1
Love gets us married, but may not be enough to keep us married. In today’s episode, we talk about the importance of grace and how

EP// 52: When to Walk Away, Interview with Gary Thomas
Toxic relationships drain the life out of us. Wondering how to handle these people? In today’s episode, best-selling author, Gary Thomas, offers insight from his

EP// 51: Sixty Years and Counting
What does it take to make a marriage last 60 years? In today’s episode, we’ll talk with Daniel’s parents and celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary.

EP//50: New Year’s Baby Steps
Welcome to 2021! With a fresh page turning over on the calendar, many of us are already working on our resolutions. In this week’s episode,

EP//49: Christmas Traditions
December is a time for Christmas cookies, Hallmark movies, candlelight worship services, and enjoying family traditions. In this last episode of the year, we discuss

EP//48: Interview with Brian & Connie Doyle
After helping the New York Yankees win the 1978 World Series, Brian Doyle went on to help establish one of the nation’s premier baseball schools,

EP//47: Giving Thanks in 2020
With so much loss and so many unmet expectations in this crazy year, how do we give thanks in 2020? In today’s episode, a very

EP//46: Too Much Life
Marriage, family, friends, job, career, church, hobbies, school, extracurricular activities… don’t all of these things equal “the American dream?” Some of us are trying to

EP//45: Lucas & Maggie Black
You may recognize Lucas Black from his roles in NCIS: New Orleans, The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift, Sling Blade, and 42. But you

EP//44: Marriage Myth #3: Marriage Should Be Easy
If we are married to the right person, won’t life just fall into place? If we believe this marriage myth we will want to bail

EP43//: Marriage Myth #2: Happily Ever After
With so many myths floating around about marriage, how do we know what’s true? Today, we’ll tackle one of the most common myths that many

EP42//: Marriage Myth #1: You Complete Me
There are so many myths floating around our society concerning marriage and what makes a relationship work. Today we’ll uncover and expose the myth made

EP41//: Negativity
With access to so much external noise, we can become inundated with negative influences that shape our view of our world, ourselves, and our spouse.

EP40//: Situational Awareness
In today’s crazy world, it’s wise to pay attention to our surroundings and make adjustments for our own safety. In today’s episode, we discuss the

EP//39: Unselfish Sex (Part 3/3)
As we’ve seen in previous episodes, the devil’s goal is to take the gift of sex that God created to be a blessing to the

EP//38: Safeguarding Sex (Part 2/3)
Do you put locks on the doors of your home? Do you lock your car? Why then are we so casual in protecting our sexual

EP//37: Sex by Design (Part 1/3)
Whatever God creates for good, the enemy takes it and twists it, making it selfish and perverted. This is a great picture of what he’s

EP//36: Opposite-Sex Friendships
Jobs and hobbies often force us to spend time with people of the opposite sex. In today’s episode, we discuss whether or not friendships with

EP//35: Lessons from Newlyweds
Like most couples, after a while, we tend to fall into the trap of juggling life and managing chaos. Too often, this leads to a

EP//34: Emotions are Liars, Part 2
Why do we keep arguing about the same things over and over? In this second part of a two-part conversation, we discuss how each couple

EP//33: Emotions are Liars, Part 1
Have you ever noticed that a normal conversation can escalate from 0-10 in about five seconds? We’re all wired for “fight or flight” to be

EP// 32: The Other Side of Me
If you woke up tomorrow and discovered you were married to “you” would you be happy or devastated? In today’s episode, we discuss the importance

EP// 31- Am I Driven or Selfish?
There is typically a goal setter in every marriage relationship. This can be healthy, or it can create conflict. In today’s episode, we discuss whether

EP//BONUS: The End of the World as We Know It
We know today’s current events greatly impact our families, possibly our marriages. But,do they have anything to do with the end of the world? If

EP//30: 5 Healthy Coping Skills for Facing the New Normal
We are five months into the 2020 “COVID-crisis” and starting to realize life may not go back to normal. Today we draw wisdom from the

EP//29: Patience
If you’re like us, patience is something you need daily. Much like oil in the engine of a car, patience helps family relationships run more

EP//28: Our Struggle with Infertility
After eight into marriage, we finally decided to have kids. However, God was not on board with our plan. The world was not ready for

EP// 27: Household Chores
She likes yard work and he likes to cook. Is that allowable? In today’s episode, we talk about how to divide up household chores and

EP// 26: 12 Things Happy Couples Do- Part 2
Is “happily ever after” possible, or just a fairy tale? Today, in this second part of two episodes, we discuss the next six out of

EP// 25: 12 Things Happy Couples Do- Part 1
When most people get married they are certain their happiest days are ahead. This may or may not be the case in marriage. Today, in

EP// 24: From the Heart of an Interracial Couple: Interview with Sterling and Myssi Brown
Sterling and Myssi Brown have seen tremendous success and influence in the world of sports and character development with athletes, but there’s a topic that