TMA Blog

Above and Beyond
Above and Beyond By Bonnie Hoover The kids had gone to bed, and I was making one last sweep of the kitchen to ensure it

Made for More
Made for More By Bonnie Hoover Wake up, work out, eat breakfast, drop the kids off at school, head to work, pick up the kids,

Making Room for Growth
Making Room for Growth By Bonnie Hoover One sunny afternoon in February, just as tiny buds were beginning to swell on the branches, I spent

Spring is Coming!
Spring is Coming! By Bonnie Hoover Cold, rainy winter days feel like a wet blanket on my soul, and it’s been raining where we are

What’s Your Favorite Chocolate?
What’s Your Favorite Chocolate? By Bonnie Hoover I find myself in the minority of women when I admit that I’ve never really been a fan

Tricky Transition
Tricky Transition by Bonnie Hoover “I don’t feel like I’m losing a daughter but gaining a son.” We often hear this lovely sentiment from the

Unexpected Detour
Unexpected Detour Marriage is messy, and “til death do us part” is a long time. We rarely know what sharp curves and pitfalls we’ll encounter

What Came Next Was a Bit of a Blur
What Came Next Was a Bit of a Blur By Bonnie Hoover It was a beautiful, sunny afternoon, one I had been anticipating since parking

This is Love
This is Love By Bonnie Hoover “I never knew what real love was until I looked in the face of my newborn baby.” Have you

Becoming One Flesh
Becoming “One Flesh” By Daniel & Bonnie Hoover Of all the ways we connect with our spouse, the intimate bond that is formed between a

Connection is Costly
Connection is Costly By Bonnie Hoover It happened on mile 3 of our 5-mile hike down from an overnight stay at the Len Foote Hike

Daily, Weekly, Monthly…
Daily, Weekly, Monthly… By Daniel & Bonnie Hoover Several years ago, I (Daniel) received a phone call from one of my best friends. At the

Beyond Expectations
Beyond Expectations By Bonnie Hoover Typically I wouldn’t say I like surprises. You see, I’m a planner and don’t enjoy things being sprung on me

Good Fences
Good Fences Early in our marriage, I felt something was missing. It wasn’t money, a big house, or children, though we didn’t have those either.

Sounding the Alarm
Sounding the Alarm “It doesn’t even seem sporting. I pretty much sit on the porch and pick the deer off from there. It’s almost like

Tweaking the Recipe
Tweaking the Recipe A couple of weeks ago, our twelve-year-old daughter had a friend over to hang out on New Year’s Eve. We usually do

Give Away, Throw Away, and Save
Give Away, Throw Away, and Save By Bonnie Hoover I was recently sorting through a bunch of old stuff, getting ready to make a move

Codependent on Our Dependants
Codependent on Our Dependants By Bonnie Hoover I’ll never forget holding my seconds-old daughter in my arms for the first time. After five years of

Dreams Cost Money
Dreams Cost Money By Daniel Hoover When our kids were younger, some of their favorite tv characters were Dora the Explorer and Diego (her cousin).

Rekindle the Romance
Rekindle the Romance By Bonnie Hoover I’ve never been much of a fan of Valentine’s Day. No, really. When I (Bonnie) was in college, I

7 Lessons from High-Level Leaders
7 Lessons from High-Level Leaders By Daniel & Bonnie Hoover On this week’s podcast episode #55, we had the privilege of sitting down with Ira

The Freedom of Grace
The Freedom of Grace By Daniel & Bonnie Hoover How many “friends” have you lost in the new year? We were all ready for 2020

Reluctant Grace
Reluctant Grace By Bonnie Hoover “Mama! Maaaaake him STOOOOOP!” The annoyance between the nine and eleven-year-olds in the back seat had escalated to the point

Six Lessons from the Book When to Walk Away by Gary Thomas
Six Lessons from the Book When to Walk Away by Gary Thomas By Daniel & Bonnie Hoover 1. “Every toxic person is difficult, but not

10 Things I’ve Learned from My Parents’ Sixty-Year Marriage
10 Things I’ve Learned from My Parents’ Sixty-Year Marriage By Daniel Hoover 1- You don’t HAVE to date for years before you get married. Obviously,

Rivers in the Desert
Happy New Year, and welcome to 2021! Most people flip the calendar from one year to the next in anticipation of a fresh start. This

“The Desire to Finish Strong”
A few weeks ago, Bonnie & I had the opportunity to spend some time with New York Yankee’s great Brian Doyle and his wife, Connie.

Thankful Hearts
In September 1620, 102 passengers left Plymouth, England, on a small ship called the Mayflower. They endured 66 days at sea in the tiny vessel

Lucas & Maggie Black: Movie Star Marriage
Lucas & Maggie Black: Movie Star Marriage Most of our blog posts are directly tied to the topic we discuss in our weekly podcast. This

“Marriage Shouldn’t Be That Hard”
“Life’s too short to stay with such a difficult person. Marriage shouldn’t be that hard.” We sat in shock as someone relayed the advice she

Eternally Ever After
Eternally Ever After When I (Bonnie) was a young girl, many, many moons ago, I had this picture in my head of my “happily ever

“You Complete Me”
“You Complete Me” Don’t you just love a good romantic movie? The year we got married, the romantic-comedy Jerry McGuire hit the big screen. It

Will We Still Be Together in 4 Years?
Will We Still Be Together in 4 Years? In the late ’80s/early ’90s, John Gottman published the findings from his study about what causes a

Situational Awareness
Situational Awareness Wikipedia defines Situational Awareness as “the perception of environmental elements and events with respect to time or space, the comprehension of their meaning,

Married Sex
“I’ll make it worth his while when I get home from my girl’s night out.” “I cleaned the house, so I’ll be getting some tonight!”

Catch the Little Foxes
Catch the Little Foxes Every night we walk through the same routine at bedtime. We say prayers and tuck the kids in bed. Then, I

Sex… God’s Idea
Sex… God’s Idea “Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to

Can I Have Friends of the Opposite Sex?
Can I Have Friends of the Opposite Sex? Having spent our entire marriage in ministry together, it’s been natural to have boundaries with people of

5 Things Newlyweds Can Teach Us
5 Things Newlyweds Can Teach Us These days our alarm goes off around 6:00 a.m. We rush around to get everyone up and dressed, fed,

Patterns Have Partners
“Nice of you to join us,” I said sarcastically, as Daniel put a plate in the microwave to reheat his dinner. The kids and I

Flat Brains and Hard Hearts
FLAT BRAINS & HARD HEARTS I’m sure everything is great at your house. But at ours, emotions have been running a bit hot lately. After

The “Me” That You See
The “Me” That You See When I (Daniel) was a little boy, my brothers and I would throw the baseball or football in our side

My Goals are Killing My Marriage!!
We all have different personality styles. Sometimes we’re born with a particular personality, sometimes life shapes it for us. I’m (Daniel) the youngest of four

Coping with the “New Normal”
It’s been almost five months since our lives were turned upside down by the novel COVID-19 virus. Face masks are becoming fashion accessories, cash is

Patience Required
This summer, we set out, with the help of my (Daniel’s) brother, to teach our ten and eight-year-olds how to water ski. My brother pulled

Empty Arms & Longing Hearts, Our Journey Through Infertility
When a couple begins their Marriage Adventure, they rarely have a complete picture of what they are pledging. “For better or for worse, for richer

A Clean House and Manicured Lawn
About fifteen years ago, Daniel had bronchitis, so I got out and cut the grass. We had been leading worship at youth camps all summer,

12 Things Happy Couples Do
By the time this posts we will have just celebrated twenty-four years of marriage! Yep! Happy anniversary to us! Realizing we’ve been married for over

Shiny Happy People
Many years ago we were watching a video curriculum with our couples’ small group. The speaker made a point that initially stung us that we

5 Things We Learned from an Interracial Couple
In the days and weeks that have followed the video circulating of the brutal murder of George Floyd, our nation has been collectively horrified. Amid

Keeping your Marriage on Mission
Social media can be both a blessing and a curse. It has allowed us to connect with long lost friends as well as stay connected

Don’t Be Mean
Though I don’t have any idea what I was so upset about at the time, I will never forget something that happened during our second

Casualties at War
Both mine and Bonnie’s grandfathers fought in WWII. Bonnie’s grandfather was a gunner on a B17 Bomber. During one of their missions, his plane was

My Spouse is Changing Without Me
Several years ago, Daniel came to me to tell me that he felt led to go back to school to work on his Master’s degree.

Committed to “Us”
I (Daniel) started playing football when I was little. Well…at that point in my life I wasn’t exactly little. Little Debbie was one of my

Nailing Our Colors to the Mast
When we stood at an altar in front of our friends and family almost twenty-four years ago and said, “I do,” we had little idea

If You Were Quarantined on a Desert Island…
I (Bonnie) am writing this post from my living room with two elementary-aged- children interrupting every five minutes. That can only mean one thing. Quarantine.

Winning at Marriage
We recently had the privilege of meeting a Major League Baseball pitcher, best-selling author, and Emmy award-winning Atlanta Braves broadcaster for Fox Sports South. We

Living with a Mission
A few years back, our church went through a rebranding of sorts. I (Daniel) helped lead our pastor and team in developing a new mission/vision

Intentional (Im)balance
After spending the first nineteen years of our marriage working together in ministry, I (Bonnie) felt caught in a vicious tug of war match between

Speak Life
Have you ever had one of those days or weeks when everyone in your home was in a rotten mood? A couple of weeks ago,

“Near to the Brokenhearted”
I’ll never forget the look on Daniel’s face as I wrapped the towel around me after having taken a shower on the afternoon of New

We are SO Different!
When we were dating and getting to know each other, we thought we were just alike. We both loved Jesus, our families, and the outdoors.

Think on These Things
We are usually cautious about what we allow our ten and eight-year-old to watch on TV. They often ask why they can’t watch some of

Marriage Maintenance
My (Daniel’s) parents recently came for a visit, and we helped them drive from the Northside of Atlanta down past the traffic south of the

Preparing for the Empty Nest
When we started out on this Marriage Adventure, as twenty-three and twenty-one-year-old college students, it was just the two of us. We were ready to

And Then There Were Two… Again
“For the first few months…there was a hole. There was an empty chair at the dinner table. But, after a few months, we began to

This is My BEST Friend
“He said he’s not my best friend anymore,” Colby related the workthrough tears as he got in the car after school. My (Bonnie here) heart

Video Games & Cute Boutiques
“Honestly, we just don’t have any similar interests. He likes to play video games and I like to go shopping at boutiques.” This a statement

#1 Rule in Conflict
As most mornings, we were in a crazy rush trying to get everything together to leave for school. “Colby, get your shoes on.” “I can’t

The Problem with Your Marriage
A few years into his marriage, a young pastor just finishing seminary was about to take a pastorate at a small church. However, there was

Brokenhearted and Ticked Off!
A few years ago, Bonnie and I were asked to go to breakfast with a couple from our church. We knew them, but not well.